send garrett, sylvia, or the both of us a love note
We've moved from Davis, CA to Honolulu, HI! Come visit and bring us some Mexican food!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Hello to all the ballahs and shot callahs.

-Full of people, color, life and smells (both incredibly good and incredibly bad). We have been learning to adapt and except the unexpected. I thought driving in Trinadad was trecherous, I have now learned that there are places where people prefer to risk their lifes in order to save time on a trip. The hospitality has been unmatched, the people have been very kind and thus far we have been acclimated to the culture. We are looking forward to showing you very soon the sights and sounds of India. Until next time, much love, GB.

-We are heading to Darjeeling tonight....via first class!!!! i guess there were no seats shall be interesting, 007-style. We'll only speak in British accents during the entire trip. Salt Lake, where Durba's (the bride) grandmother stays, is a nice place. we've wandered into the city proper, to go to a few clubs thanks to this film producer a friend of a friend met. we were treated like ballers and the cover fees were waived. we also went to new market to see the hustle and was interesting with very persistant "coolie's" always at our side making suggestions of shops for darjeeling tea, silk scarves, spices, you name it. It also ended with myslef and a few others feeling quite ill after dinner (that quick 20 minute onset of nausea) but I think i'm ok now. Again the hospitality is amazing....we met some very wonderful folks, and it was almost a teaful goodbye...ah well. we'll definitely come back soon. see you in darjeeling!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What can I say but wow! I think maybe Sheri and I should try india? what do you say. Hope you are both adjusting to the sights sounds and smell of India. Happy trails to you....