send garrett, sylvia, or the both of us a love note
We've moved from Davis, CA to Honolulu, HI! Come visit and bring us some Mexican food!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

On the East Coast

Yea so to comment on our trip as seen from some of the photos below...

We have a travel bug that leaves us itching to get out of Davis every chance we get...Since we've returned to the states we've only spent one full weekend in Davis! We've camped at Tahoe, traveled down to Santa Barbara for a wedding, visited Bodega Bay on Labor Day, and most recently visited New Jersey and New York for Jeremy and Durba's state side wedding ceremony. We took a long weekend off to have a small reunion with Garrett's friends and to join in the celebrations of yet another ceremony, this time a very heart felt Quaker ceremony, to celebrate the union of Jeremy and Durba. We met up with Devin on his ridiculous flight pattern (Seattle-Reno-Phoenix-Pittsburgh-Philadelphia) in Phoenix, picked up our upgraded rental car (yay Toyota Highlander and yay for Alamo being out of cars!), and drove out to Long Beach Island off the coast of New Jersey. It's a nice little island, a bit eerie, but I'm sure it's poppin' in the summer time. We got to swim in the Atlantic, cry at the ceremony, eat good food and dance the night away, then swam in the ocean again at night, and drove to Brooklyn the next day to drop some friends off and chill in the city. We hung out in Bedford, eating delicious Italian food and had after dinner wine and coffee at a cute hipster cafe. Then it was out to Brooklyn Heights to check out the view and get breakfast, and before we knew it we were back at the Philly Airport, heading home. (Home to waking up at 6am to pick apples in Stockton for Sylvia and to a doctors appointment and work work work for Garrett). Sigh...back in Davis again. Ah well, it's gotta end sometime right?

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